Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Blog, the Universe, and Everything Else

It has come to my attention that my brain is too full of information to retain it all within itself, and so I have decided to let it out in a random - and sometimes stupid and yet humorous - fashion. Seeing as this is my first post in a seemingly pointless blog, I think I will take the time to start from the beginning.

In the beginning, there was nothing.

Then, after a long string of events - a string filled with bloodshed, love, and possibly even involving the brand of cereal for which the title of this blog is made - I was born. Then after a seemingly longer string of events from my point of view, this blog was created.

That is the timeline of the universe up to this point, in nearly the vaguest way possible (other than simply stating that the universe came to being and then I made a blog). Over time, this timeline will grow larger as I place each detail along the endless line of time. However, for the moment, the simplest of these details must be brought about in order for this blog to have purpose existing.

Who am...

Actually, that's a step too far, yet. I think it would be most beneficial to some readers...okay, mainly myself - if I discussed the concepts that create this world before you, me, and every pronoun in between.

The Blog. A seemingly small word to describe a phenomenon that cannot be easily diminished thanks to the human condition to be louder than any other person. It began before I was even born, but the blog scene as we know it today began a bit later when I was actually alive. It started through usenet groups during the beginning years of the modern-day Internet before I could load pages before I could even twinkle my eye. Online diaries turned into the blogs we know and love (loathing is also acceptable when not referring to my own), and yes, diary is the right term. Don't worry Timmy, this diary genre isn't filled to the brim with unicorns and pink hearts. Perhaps that is another topic entirely. Perhaps not. Perhaps.

The blog continued to grow up when massive websites began to form for the public to use without frying their brains (the end result is a delicacy for some worlds, I'm sure). LiveJournal was the first one that I came to know, but I never touched that sucker with a ten-foot pole (figuratively speaking, of course). Then there is Blogger/Blogspot. Hey, I just made a blog there! It's here: Oh...this is the site, isn't it?

Since 2001, blogging has grown into a massive genre of websites. MySpace, Facebook, and every other social site out there comes with a semi-blog application. I think I prefer these sites a bit more, to be honest. The blog sites that are stand-alone have become places where one's opinion becomes content for people to read and laugh at. Or laugh with. Doesn't matter from my point of view. Politics is the biggest topic in the blog world and the least interesting. If you have a view on what the government should do, then by golly, you should have a blog! If not, you don't care ENOUGH. Aaaaand, I believe that's all I need to bring forth on the topic, at least until my brain craves to go deeper into it.

In short: a blog is a weblog. We write stuff. We comment. We respond. Repeat.

Questions. Or should it be "Questions?" I'm not too sure. Questions tend to be formed from the absence of information and the request for the absence to be eliminated, much to the absence's dismay. Sometimes, the question is used as the answer, completely making a mockery of the process of Q-A. There are occasions in which there is no absence of information, but the one asking is using the question to strengthen the feeling of the moment. It is called rhetoric, but I call it the "unfortunate question." The poor question has no purpose to be answered. It will be unanswered and forever be left dangling. If an answer is found immediately and spoken out to the speaker, the "unfortunate question" dies happily, but the moment dies with it. It is a sad life, being an "unfortunate question." It's also sad being someone who personifies questions to no one in particular. I know.

Questions are asked to learn information as I stated above, and there are six terms that describe the main questions to be found.

Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why.

Who? The question to know a particular sentient being. If I wanted to know who the wizard was in Discworld, it would be "Who is the main wizard in the first Discworld book?" The answer would be "Rincewind, you dummy." Who also refers to the concept of "whom," that is, the question asking for the object of a particular statement, whereas "who" asks for the subject of a particular statement.

What? A much more abstract concept to the term Who. If you wanted to know what soda I drink, you'd ask "Hey, OC, what do you drink?" I'd answer the question, and we'd all live happily ever after. What is used in "What was that?" referring to the request of something in "that"...either an object or event that has passed by. The question "What?" is used to ask "What did you say?" in the shortest term possible without using bodily language.

When? Simple. Asking for the time at which something happens. Without question marks, When means "stop" when someone else is pouring something that the speaker owns. This usage is incorrect anyways, but it bears noting for us all.

Where? Also simple. The request for the location of something or someone. This, like most question concepts, requires a context to be answered. If I asked "Where?" and nothing else, the answer could be just about anything. If I asked "Where?" after someone mentioned a party tomorrow, then the question I techincally asked was "Where will the party be held?"

How? Requesting for the method of some action. "How do you play Super Mario Brothers?" Really fast. And at times horribly. To be blunt, How asks for the adverb to a statement, as Who and What refer to nouns, occasionally.

Why? This is the hardest question to answer sometimes. Unlike How, Why asks for a purpose, not a method, person, action, object, location, or time. "Why do we need sleep?" "Why is the sky blue?" "Why am I spending so much time typing a blog?" These questions are deeper than some know. Why is also a question that can be asked by itself without much context. By itself, however, it can be more complicated than many people can care to answer correctly. So when I ask "Why?" I don't expect two paragraphs followed by QED or something to that effect. Why also happens to be the neverending question. A child can ask Why to just about any response, unless the response itself is a question or a thought without purpose...which is seemingly impossible.

I think that goes through Questions enough for me to move on.

Who am I?

Finally, I get to the question I wanted to answer long ago, or rather, what many of you wanted to know beforehand.

I am clearly a nerd who thinks too hard concerning deceivingly simple concepts of life. I am also a twin, a guy, and a gamer. A name would be good to know, I guess. I'm Alex. Nice to meet you. Or not. Hard to tell, seeing as this is my first post, and my readerbase is 0 as I type this.

I'll type new stuff when I'm out of my mind again.

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